Many studies have found that females have been underrepresented and undervalued in both STEM careers and educational settings for far too long. There is no shortage of data to reflect this unfortunate reality. Research also finds that girls become interested in STEM in school at around age of 11, but their interest starts to wane by the age of 15. STEM jobs report that only about 30% of all STEM degree holders are women, and that nearly 40% of women with engineering degrees either leave the profession or never enter the field. There is a huge need for girls to stand up together and fill this gender gap.
With many High school and Middle school girls joining our Developmental Psychology Webinar our event was very successful . Rachel was highly knowledgeable and has guided us towards our psychology study and talked about wonderful research opportunities. Stay tuned for our next Science event.
Thank you for joining us and participating in our AI/Python Workshop. With the overwhelming response and requests received, we will plan another session soon.Stay tuned for our next STEM EVENT
Veda felt that there were not many robotics groups that encouraged girls, so Veda was instrumental in initiating an all girls FTC Team to give an opportunity to the girls who wanted to code, build, and explore. She is mentoring them for their FTC Robotics Competition.
Veda Kalwala is a junior at Westfield High School. She is passionate about science, technology and teaching. She has been coding for the past 8 years and has participated in multiple competitions. She likes playing basketball, lacrosse, and reading books and she mentors, tutors, and volunteers in her free time.
Ikshitha is a senior at duPont Manual High School who is passionate about the sciences and is looking to study neuroscience and business on the pre-med track with a minor in Spanish. She is a tennis player, and in her free time she likes to spend time with her brother, do puzzles, read/watch the Harry Potter series.